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Hand press machine simulation - Dynamic Analysis in ANSYS
Multi-Body Dynamics software Tightly integrated into ANSYS® Workbench™
MBD for ANSYS (Multi-Body Dynamics for ANSYS) is an add-on module for ANSYS that is used to simulate the transient behavior of a mechanical assembly in motion and is developed by FunctionBay, Inc.
“An efficient approach to understand the overall dynamic behavior and generate boundary conditions for structural analysis.”
Applications of MBD for ANSYS
MBD for ANSYS (Multi-Body Dynamics for ANSYS) is an add-on module for ANSYS Workbench. By using MBD for ANSYS, it is possible to do the dynamic analysis in ANSYS environment. (Simulate the transient behavior of a mechanical assembly in motion and review the results.)
Let’s use a Hand Press Machine for example. This model consists of several rigid bodies and is constrained by joints. In addition, the dynamic behavior is determined by rack & pinion, spring and contacts between bodies. Users can simulate the dynamic behavior of this model and review the animation.
(Video) Hand_Press_Machine_RD_MBDforANSYS.wmv
If you are unable to watch this video, click the link below.
** you can download the other example models from https://support.functionbay.com/en/e-learning/start/category/2.
(To see more details -> https://support.functionbay.com/basic-mbd-model/)
In this article, how to use Parametrization of ANSYS Workbench for Multi-Body Dynamics model using MBD for ANSYS to get optimum result. From MBD for ANSYS 17, it supports Parametrization of ANSYS Workbench.
For example, a different attachment point of spring or a different initial deformation affects the force needed to articulate the lever of the machine. If you want to design the machine which needs the minimum amount of the force, what can we do?
In this example, the motion of the lever will be defined as a rotational motion of the revolute joint (Revolute1) which is attached to a body, ‘Gear’ and we will find the optimum result to minimize the magnitude of the reaction torque needed to rotate the gear.
The below 9 different positions are canditates where the spring is attached, and let’s use 3 different initial deformations (-5mm, 0mm, +5mm). The total number of cases is 27 (=9x3).
From the Detail of the "Spring1", if the check box on the left of a parameter is checked, P is displayed and it becomes the parametrized value. As below image, ‘Parameter Set’ is displayed on the Project Schematic of ANSYS Workbench. Various combinations of the design variables can be input using the Table of Design Points and those combinations can be simulated automatically.

The performance index which is used to determine the ‘optimum result’ will be the maximum magnitude of the reaction torque of the Revolute1 (joint) relative to z-axis. You will find the combination which minimizes this ‘maximum reaction torque’. As below image, X, Y and Free Length (to decide the initial deformation (-5, 0, 5)) are set.
Now, the simulations of 27 combinations are automatically performed by clicking ‘Update All Design Points’. Let’s take a rest with a cup of coffee or finish the delayed reports until the simulations finish.
Now, the simulations are complete! As below, the reaction torques are displayed for each combination of the design variables.Let’s compare the magnitude of the reaction torque of ‘Min Over Time’.
The magnitude of the reaction torque of the optimum combination is 147.86Nmm which is smaller than the initial design.