Particleworks Overview - CFD Software

Particleworks is a Particle-based CFD software (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

Particleworks Interface

This is an advanced interface for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) between Multibody Dynamics and fluid simulation.

RecurDyn has an interface specially designed for FSI (co-simulation) of dynamics of rigid/flexible bodies and fluids. RecurDyn is the world’s first commercial Multi-Body Dynamics software to offer such an interface. This interface allows you to simulate complicated fluid-solid interactions (FSI) that were very difficult to simulate in the past. You can now simulate the coupled interaction between the two easily, so that the solid/flexible bodies and the fluids affect each others’ behaviors.

RecurDyn-Particleworks-Interface - MBD - CFD co-simulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

For more detailed information about FSI (co-simulation) between RecurDyn x Particleworks, please refer to RecurDyn/ParticleworksInterface

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What is Particleworks?

Particleworks is a Computational Fluid Dynamics software (CFD) package developed by Prometech Software, Inc. in Japan. This CFD software is based on advanced fluid dynamics analysis method known as the Moving Particle Simulation (MPS) method. In this method, the fluid is represented as a collection of particles. This allows Particleworks to simulate the movement of fluids precisely and stably. Furthermore, it allows Particleworks to simulate free surfaces, as well as the interaction between 2 different fluids, such as oil and water.

Particleworks - Particle-based CFD software (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

Various applications of Particleworks, fluid dynamics simulation software

<Mixing simulation using Structure-Fluid Interface>
<High viscosity mixing - CFD simulation>

<Case video: High-viscosity mixing with triple impellers>

In addition, Particleworks supports multi-GPU computing. Thus, this innovative CFD software is capable of simulating from hundreds of thousands to millions of fluid particles, allowing it to simulate very large-scale models. As a result, when Particleworks is coupled with a Multi body dynamics simulation software package, it becomes suitable for co-simulation of CFD simulation and MBD simulation. And thus, through co-simulation with RecurDyn, you can further broaden the application scopes of both software packages. (Both of MBD and CFD Simulation)

<Short introduction on how to use Particleworks>

<Particleworks – Powertrain Oil Sloshing SIimulation>

<FSI simulation between flexible bodies and fluids>

<A vehicle on a flooded road using FSI co-simulation>

Coupled MBD CFD (Advanced Coupled FE CFD) - RecurDyn-Particleworks-Co-Simulation

Multi-Body Dynamics simulation x Fluid Dynamics simulation

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