Belt 글 편집 글 편집 (이전 에디터)
RecurDyn/Belt is used in a wide variety of fields from automotive timing and front-end accessory drives to lawn mowers, washing machines, and road milling equipment. Modeling belt and pulley systems with other CAE software requires significant time. RecurDyn/Belt makes it easier to model and simulate simple to complex three-dimensional belt drive systems.
Belt simulation using RecurDyn/Belt
- Graphical user interface for easy and fast model generation
- Library of custom geometric entities:
- Graphical or spreadsheet design of pulley and belt cross sections
- Automatic belt assembly with contact
- Efficient contact algorithms
- Fast & robust solver
- Plotting of contact forces and belt tension
- Subsystem concept for efficient interaction with other model assemblies, such as in a complete engine model
- 2D belt and 2D guide to improve the simulation speed
- Flexible belt (Beam and Shell) to calculate the deformation of the belt
Easy Belt Generation Using RecurDyn/Belt
- Model & simulate sophisticated products quickly
- Obtain dynamic load history for stress & fatigue analysis
- Perform “what if” studies in order to refine:
- pulley profile design
- belt design
- guide design
- Study product dynamics:
- transient conditions at start-up
- failure conditions at high speed
- Design tensioning devices to optimize belt tension
Belt modeling using RecurDyn/Belt
Application Examples
- Timing belt of car
- Automatic bill counter
- Lawn mower
- Analysis of elevator rope
- Driving part analysis of automatic switchgear
- Belt drive system of washing machine
- Timing belt tension control of semiconductor manufacturing equipment