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Primitive 3D Contact enables very fast and accurate analysis for Primitive Geometry such as Sphere, Box, and Cylinder in RecurDyn.

Let's take a closer look at Geo Cylinder Contact optimized for the contact modeling between Cylinder Geometry and General Surface.

Geo Cylinder Contact

Geo Cylinder Contact has been developed as a specialized contact for Cylinder shapes that can perform contact analysis between Cylinder and General Surface based on the contact algorithm of existing Geo Surface Contact.

Accurate shapes are considered for Cylinders and contact with flexible surfaces is supported so that it allows faster contact analysis and more accurate contact results in modelings such as bearings, media transfer systems, and roll-to-roll systems.

Let's compare the performance of Geo Cylinder Contact with existing FSurface to Surface Contact and Geo Surface Contact.

The reference model for comparison is a very basic roll to roll system, a twisted web feeding system with slightly skewed roller angles.

The analysis conditions were set as follows. 

It is a model in which two rigid Cylinders and one Flexible Sheet are in contact. Tension is generated by connecting one edge of the flexible sheet to the spring and pulling the other edge with an arbitrary force. The flexible sheet is composed of Shell4 elements and has a total of 1598 nodes and 9573 degrees of freedom. The simulation time is set to have 200 steps in 1 second.

Geo Cylinder Contact - Analysis Condition

The PC specifications for analysis are as follows.

  • CPU: I7-4790k 4.0Ghz
  • RAM:  32 Gb

Under the above conditions, the comparison results of analysis performance among Geo Cylinder Contact, FSurface to Surface Contact, and Geo Surface Contact are as follows.

Geo Cylinder Contact shows the fastest analysis speed.

Geo Cylinder Contact - Analysis Speed

As you see, Geo Cylinder Contact provides an outstanding performance compared to other contacts in terms of analysis speed. Primitive 3D Contact series are generally more accurate, so it is recommended you use Geo Cylinder Contact when creating a model that includes contact with cylinder shapes.