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When you mesh a complex geometry, you can improve the simulation speed and accuracy by generating the non-uniform.

RecurDyn/Mesher provides several options to generate the non-uniform mesh efficiently. This article introduces Gradation Factor and Chordal Error Ratio. With these options, when a body includes curved surfaces or small features, you can generate small sized elements for the high curvature or small features, and generate relatively big sized elements for the flat area.

(FYI, the number of elements per unit in a mesh is called 'Mesh density'. High mesh density usually produces results more accurate and low density meshes can be simulated faster. So users need to adjust the mesh density according to the purpose of the simulation.)

Here are the explanations on those two parameters. Please see the example images below.

  • Gradation Factor: The default is 2. If you use the value closer to 0, the element size varies greatly.
  • Chordal Error Ratio: This factor defines the amount of the error between ideal curve (arc) and approximated mesh. The smaller Chordal Error Ratio produces mesh closer to the original CAD geometry. (Especially, a dense mesh is generated around the curved surfaces)

         Mesh Generation Tip - chordal error ratio

For both parameters, the smaller they are, the denser and more non-uniform mesh is generated.

Please refer to the example images below to show the results of the different Gradation Factor and Chordal Error Ratio.

Mesh Generation Tip

You can see that smaller Gradation Factor and Chordal Error Ratio produce denser elements and the mesh better represents the curvature. But it can increase the number of nodes and elements so that the simulation time can be increased (even if the result is more accurate.)

So you should adjust the parameters appropriately according to the purpose of the multi-body dynamics simulation.