Contact 글 편집 글 편집 (이전 에디터)
Contact occurs between two surfaces. It can be between two bodies or two surfaces on the same body. Contact generates 2 distinct kinds of forces. One kind of force that prevents the surfaces from penetrating through each other. The other kind, friction, resists the relative motion between the surfaces in the area of contact.
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From the perspective of simulation software, the modeling of contact involves identifying which bodies are in contact, determining the location of the contact on the bodies, determining the forces caused by contact in those locations, and applying the forces to the bodies. Contact is inherently a highly nonlinear problem. This means that in general, it is difficult for software to simulate it. Therefore, simulation software that models contact must be very robust and accurate to handle contact well.
Furthermore, using the contact capabilities of simulation software requires some user input. For example, in general, the user might have to identify which bodies could potentially be in contact, and the user might have to define various contact parameters such as the expected stiffness of the body in the region of contact and the properties of the friction between the bodies. Therefore, it is important that simulation software is designed so that contact is intuitive and easy for the user to use.
In the simulation of solid bodies, contact modeling is extremely important because contact is a primary method of interaction between bodies in most mechanical systems.
RecurDyn includes accurate, robust, and easy-to-use contact. Instructing RecurDyn to use contact and setting up the necessary parameters can be done easily in RecurDyn’s intuitive GUI.
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Contact can be defined between pairs of rigid bodies, pairs of flexible bodies, or pairs consisting of both a rigid and a flexible body. Self-contact of a flexible body with itself can also be modeled. When at least one of the bodies in contact is a flexible body, the effect of contact can be seen in the stresses and strains of the body.
RecurDyn’s robust solver is designed to solve highly nonlinear problems, so models that experience contact are solved accurately with a high computational speed.
RecurDyn customers in over 50 countries and for over 10 years have considered its contact accuracy, robustness, speed of computation, and ease of use to be a major strength of our software.
Features & Advantages
Easy modeling
- It is able to define the Contact condition just by clicking two possible contact objects.
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Fast analyzing
- It is able to make easy modeling at model that includes many Contact conditions and able to make fast and stable analyze.
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Library of Contact Algorithms
- RecurDyn includes a library of contact algorithms that are optimized for various contact cases. General contact is provided for bodies of complex shape. Or when a contact surface on a body has a simple shape, contact calculation time can be reduced by utilizing a contact algorithm optimized for that geometric shape. For example, the library includes algorithms for sphere, cylinder, box, and torus geometry.
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Contact Between Flexible and Rigid Bodies
- Contact can be modeled between pairs of rigid bodies, pairs of flexible bodies, or a pair that includes one rigid and one flexible body. Self-contact between surfaces of a flexible body can also be modeled.
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Contact Post-Processing
- The results of contact can be seen directly in the 3D animation in RecurDyn’s integrated GUI. Both the location of the contact force and the force vector can be seen.
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Accurate result
- This is CV joint Boot’s analysis result and real experiment result that used Flex to Flex Contact.
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