Applications in Industrial machinery Industry 글 편집 글 편집 (이전 에디터)


Use RecurDyn multibody dynamics simulation to develop your industrial machinery or related components. RecurDyn is an innovative simulator for:

Circuit breaker, packaging, machine tool, manufacturing machinery

Are you developing an Industrial Machinery or related components?

If so, you may have validation, troubleshooting, or other issues like:

  • Noise and vibration of the components under various operating conditions
    • Usually, noise and vibration increase if the operating speed is increased.
  • Minimization of the applied load and vibration that are critical to the transports or workpieces during operation
  • Minimization of applied loads on conveyed items or workpieces as well as the machinery
  • Loads on large machines that are difficult to measure
  • Prediction of optimum driving force/torque
  • Performance analysis of the various components including belt and chains
  • Validation of the control algirithms for precise and efficient operation
  • Validation of the detection of abnormal operation and countermeasure algorithms
  • Potential damage to the machine during testing and safety of the operators
  • Reduction of energy consumption through weight reduction and optimization

Multibody dynamics simulation using RecurDyn is used in Industrial Machinery and related component development for such things as.

  • Prediction of the load and stress to each component in an industrial machinery
  • Durability analysis of components in a large machine that are difficult to test
  • Optimum driving force/torque prediction through the calculation of torque variance and maximum torque
  • Durability analysis of parts and joints
  • Evaluation of shock and vibration experienced by parts of a machine
  • Verification of the various algorithms that includes a controller using a virtual model
  • Virtual simulation without damage and safety risks
  • Optimization of energy consumption through quantitative evaluation of the energy required for the operation
  • Simulation and evaluation of various components such as gears, bearings, belts and chains
  • Determination of the optimal gain for PID control
  • Optimization of circuit breaker mechanisms
  • Prediction of high-speed and precise motion for circuit breaker
  • Design of a more productive packaging line


▶ Manufacturing Equipments

Conveyance simulation of a fluid product

Simulation of Crown Metal Can Machine

Simulation of Stranding Machine

Simulation of Various Machine Tools

▶ Other Equipments or Components for Manufacturing

Circuit Breaker Simulation

Flexible Belt System Simulation

Cap Applicator Simulation

Chain System Simulation

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Click the image for the detailed case studies, including electrical switching simulation, circuit breaker simulation, and various industrial machinery


High-Speed Electrical Switching Mechanism


Simulation of structural oscillations on Linear Handling Axes

Sheet Metal Processing


Simulation of
a Coffee Capsule Machine

Virtual Drop Test of Cushioning Material (Packaging)


Fatigue in Transportation of Packaged Freight

List of the presentations for each country  (presentation materials are not available.)


DAIFUKU  - Driving simulation of OHT (Overhead Hoist Transport) using RecurDyn

Fraunhofer IWU  - Simulation of the Thermal Influences on Dynamic Machine Tool Behavior


HYUNDAI ELECTRIC  - Analysis and verification for dual motion mechanism of high-voltage circuit breaker

Hitachi - Technical development for fluid co-simulation of oil film and application to piston pump motor


Hanwha - Analysis of dynamic characteristics of industrial conveyor system

Otis Europe  - Elevator Doors Dynamics Modeling: “Rocking Motion – Comparison between Numerical Results and Test Data

Fill Gesellschaft m.b.H.  - Mechatronic Simulation of a MachineTool, Improving the Dynamic Behavior of a Milling Machine


Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH - Application of RecurDyn during the development of an on-load tap changer for transformers

Siemens Frankfurt - Use of DOE for MBD in the development of medium voltage switchgear


Screen - Development of return device using RecurDyn/MTT3D


LS Electric - Optimization of dynamic characteristic analysis for vacuum circuit breaker using design of experiments

BMW AG - Simulation of Press Dies for Large Presses using the Flexible Multibody Dynamics in RecurDyn


LSmtron - Development of dynamic characteristic model for shortening dry cycle time of motor-operated catapult

SIEMENS - Modeling of flexible bodies in RecurDyn to improve hose dynamics of medical robotic systems

Kobelco - Transport system for fruits and vegetables using RecurDyn


ITRI - Virtual MachineTool Developing Status


SIEMENS - Development for a circuit breaker using RecurDyn

LG Innotek - The torque and fatigue analysis of a geared motor made from micro-plastic

SCREEN - Development for transfer technology of flexible media using RecurDyn


KITECH - Development of the simulation model for Glass transfer system using RecurDyn


DRB - Transmission belt analysis using RecurDyn

HITACHI - Development of an excavator using RecurDyn

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Click the image to watch how to use RecurDyn



Danny Shin

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