Guides for Reliability Analysis


In order to explain the reliability analysis, let’s consider the simple problem shown in Figure 1. Suppose that the mean values of two random variables with normal distributions are (5.0, 5.0) and their standard deviations are (1.0, 1.0) respectively.


Figure 1  Reliability analysis problem


Let’s represent the above mathematical problem in RecurDyn. As RecurDyn always require a dynamic model. First, let’s create a dummy model such as a simple pendulum. Also, set the end time as 0.1 to reduce the computational time. Now, one can define two random variables from the Parametric Values and set their values as 5.0, respectively.


Figure 2  Parametric values defining for random variables


Then, one can define the limit state function  by using ‘Expression’.


Figure 3  Expressions defining for limit state functions