

You can save the Output of an action marker relative to the base maker projected on a reference maker in a file that has a *.rplt and a *.req file extension. ADAMS postprocessor as plot can import a *.req file. The orientation of the action marker is printed in a 313 Euler angle (psi-theta-phi) or a 321 Euler angle (yaw-pitch-roll) and is independent of the reference marker. You can define an output using the Request command in the Subentity menu.


Figure 1  Request icon in the Expression group of the Subentity tab


Step to register Request

1.  Click Request icon and then Request List dialog box appears as following figure.



Figure 1  Request List dialog box


     Standard: Defines the output of displacement, velocity, acceleration and force.

     Expression: Defines the output by using six expressions.

     User: Defines the output by User Subroutine.

     RFLEX: Defines the output of displacement, velocity, acceleration and deformation of RFlex.

     No: Shows the number of requests.

     Name: Shows the name of the request.

     Comment: Shows the comment of the request.

     Create: Creates a request.

     Insert: Inserts a request at the current cursor row.

     Delete: Deletes a request at the current cursor row.


2.  Select the tab as desired and then click Create or Insert.

3.  Defined the Request.