OUT File Format for requests


     Standard request out file format


    Standard request out file format for displacement

Line 1: The header names of the standard request for displacements

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational displacements

Column 3 below the header names: X direction displacement

Column 4 below the header names: Y direction displacement

Column 5 below the header names: Z direction displacement

Column 6 below the header names: X direction rotational displacement

Column 7 below the header names: Y direction rotational displacement

Column 8 below the header names: Z direction rotational displacement


    Standard requests out file format for velocity

Line 1: The header names of the standard request for velocities

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational velocities

Column 3 below the header names: X direction velocity

Column 4 below the header names: Y direction velocity

Column 5 below the header names: Z direction velocity

Column 6 below the header names: The magnitude of rotational velocities

Column 7 below the header names: X direction rotational displacement

Column 8 below the header names: Y direction rotational displacement

Column 9 below the header names: Z direction rotational displacement


    Standard requests out file format for acceleration

Line 1: The header names of the standard request for accelerations

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational accelerations

Column 3 below the header names: X direction acceleration

Column 4 below the header names: Y direction acceleration

Column 5 below the header names: Z direction acceleration

Column 6 below the header names: The magnitude of rotational accelerations

Column 7 below the header names: X direction rotational acceleration

Column 8 below the header names: Y direction rotational acceleration

Column 9 below the header names: Z direction rotational acceleration


     Expression request out file format


    Expression request out file format

Line 1: The header names of each expression request

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: Meaningless value

Column 3 below the header names: 1st expreesssion value

Column 4 below the header names: 2nd expreesssion value

Column 5 below the header names: 3rd expreesssion value

Column 6 below the header names: Meaningless value

Column 7 below the header names: 4th expreesssion value

Column 8 below the header names: 5th expreesssion value

Column 9 below the header names: 6th expreesssion value


     USUB request out file format


    USUB request out file format

Line 1: The header names of the each USUB request

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: Meaningless value

Column 3 below the header names: 1st USUB value

Column 4 below the header names: 2nd USUB value

Column 5 below the header names: 3rd USUB value

Column 6 below the header names: Meaningless value

Column 7 below the header names: 4th USUB value

Column 8 below the header names: 5th USUB value

Column 9 below the header names: 6th USUB value


    Each USUB header name is ditinguished from C1 to C6.


     RFlex request out file format

    Displacement, velocity and acceleration request out file formats are the same as those of the standart out file formats.


    Rflex request out file format for deformation

Line 1: The header names of the Rflex request for deformations

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: The magnitude of translational deformations

Column 3 below the header names: X direction deformation

Column 4 below the header names: Y direction deformation

Column 5 below the header names: Z direction deformation

Column 6 below the header names: The magnitude of rotational deformations

Column 7 below the header names: X direction rotational deformation

Column 8 below the header names: Y direction rotational deformation

Column 9 below the header names: Z direction rotational deformation


    Rflex request out file format for strain

Line 1: The header names of the Rflex request for strain components

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: Strain component of Exx

Column 3 below the header names: Strain component of Eyy

Column 4 below the header names: Strain component of Ezz

Column 5 below the header names: Strain component of Exy

Column 6 below the header names: Strain component of Exy

Column 7 below the header names: Strain component of Ezx

Column 8 below the header names: Strain intensity magnitude

Column 9 below the header names: Von-Mises strain magnitude


    Rflex request out file format for stress

Line 1: The header names of the Rflex request for stress components

Column 1 below the header names: Time

Column 2 below the header names: Stress component of Exx

Column 3 below the header names: Stress component of Eyy

Column 4 below the header names: Stress component of Ezz

Column 5 below the header names: Stress component of Exy

Column 6 below the header names: Stress component of Exy

Column 7 below the header names: Stress component of Ezx

Column 8 below the header names: Stress intensity magnitude

Column 9 below the header names: Von-Mises stress magnitude