REQ File Format




    Line 1: Version Information

    Line 2: Number of Request, UCF (Unit Correlation Factor: 1.0[Force_unit] = UCF * 1.0 [Mass_unit*Length_unit/Time_unit^2])

    Line 3: RMD ID of Reuest entity, Request Type, RMD ID of Action Marker, RMD ID of Base Marker, 0(It is written to zero)

    Line 4: RMD ID of Reuest entity, Request Type, RMD ID of Action Marker, RMD ID of Base Marker, 0(It is written to zero)

    Line 5: Simulation time

    Line 6: Request Data (6)

    Line 7: Requset Data (6) (If the number of requests is more over 1, this line will be written)

     Request Type in Line 3 and Line 4

    1: displacement

    2: velocity

    3: acceleration

    4: force

    5: expression, USUB

    7: RFlex Deflection

    8: RFlex Velocity

    9: RFlex Acceleration

    10: RFlex Elastic

    11: RFlex Strain

    12: RFlex Stress