

The properties dialog box of the Flexible Fixed Roller has five tabs.


Figure 1  Flexible Fixed Roller Group property page [Flexible Fixed Roller Group page]


     Base Body: Defines the base body of revolute joint.

     Roller Center Point: Defines the center point of flexible fixed roller body.

     Color: Defines the color of Shell4 element.

     Depth: Defines the thickness of Shell4 element.

     FDR Radius: Defines the radius of inner circle.

     Roller Radius: Defines the radius of outer roller.

     No. of Nodes at Circumference: Sets the number of nodes in the circumferential direction. This data cannot be changed after creation.

     No. of Nodes at Radial: Sets the number of nodes in the radial direction. This data cannot be changed after creation.

     Material Properties: Sets the user can change the material properties. If the user wants to check the detail information, refer to the Flexible Information of Flexible Roller in MTT2D.

Figure 2  Material Properties dialog box for the flexible fixed roller


     Include Motion: Defines the angular motion of the flexible fixed roller. The user can define the roller displacement, velocity and acceleration by using Function Expression. Refer to Motion.

     Contact Parameter: Allows the user to modify contact parameters by clicking To Sheet. In this dialog box, the user can modify the contact parameters of contact forces applied between the sheet and the flexible fixed roller. Refer to the Contact Formulus for MTT2D.

Figure 3  Contact Parameter dialog box


     Match Center Marker Position with Graphic: If this is checked, the position of center marker of flexible fixed roller body is always matched with the center of roller geometry.