Tension Sensor


This sensor allows the user to measure the tension of the segment. The segment passes the range of tension sensor and is the nearest to tension sensor.


Figure 1  Tension Sensor


As shown in Figure 1, if a segment passes within the range of the sensor, the sensor output can be computed from the following equation.




 is a stress value and the result of sensor.

 is the local stress tensor of the closest position of Element in the range of the sensor.

 is the global stress tensor of the closet position of Element in the range of the sensor. In the case of shell element,  is a mid-stress acting on the neutral surface.

 is the reference frame of the output of the sensor. The x axis of  is an expecting direction vector for acting a tension force.

 is the reference frame of the sensor. The z axis of  is the normal direction vector of the tension sensor.

 is the reference frame of the closest position of Element in the range of the sensor. The y axis of the