RFlex Page


After importing a Flexible body as Filename.rfi file, you can change the properties of its body in the following window.


Figure 1  RFLEX tab of Properties of RFlexbody dialog box [Mode]


Figure 2  RFLEX tab of Properties of RFlexbody dialog box [Animation]


Figure 3  RFLEX tab of Properties of RFlexbody dialog box [Damping]


In the RecurDyn/RFlex, the following modal information is displayed.


     Frequency: Frequency of each mode.

     Coord: Initial condition for modal coordinate

     Velocity: Initial condition for modal velocity

     Mode: You can select mode by Mode Range or Frequency Range.

    Mode Range: select mode by its sequence.

    Frequency Range: select mode by its frequency


     Animation: You can see each Mode shape as animation.

    Mode Seq: Sequence of the current mode.

    Frame/cycle: Animation frame and Cycle.

    Frequency: Frequency of the current mode

    Prev: The previous mode

    Play: Play animation of its mode

    Next: The next mode

    Scale Factor: Scale factor of mode shape.

    Show Undeformed: Show mode shape with the undeformed state.


     Damping: You can modify damping values.

Damping Type: Determine calculation type


    Damping ratio:

Damping coefficient   

Critical damping coefficient   


    Damping coefficient: direct value


    Stiffness proportional ratio [%] :

Damping coefficient   


    Default: Set Damping coefficient by Critical damping ratio


    Mode Range: Select mode by its sequence

    Frequency Range: Select mode by its frequency

    Import: import damping coefficients of all modes

File format (*.fdc)

The total number of modes should be equal.

The first line is comment.

The first column is comment.

The second column should have damping coefficients of all modes.



     Reassociation: If the RecurDyn cannot find a RFI file when you open a model, this function is activated and you can reassociate the RFI file again. Also, this function is inactivated after the RFI file is connected.


Mass Invariant option

     When the Depends on Body Setting is selected in the Flexibility/RFlex tab is selected, then this option can be selectable. The default is Full.

    If the Depends on Body Setting in Flexibility/RFlex tab and Partial option is selected, then the Invariant Variables N4 () and N6 () related in the Mass matrix of a RFlex body are not computed for solving speed improvement.

    If the Depends on Body Setting in Flexibility/RFlex tab and Full option is selected, then the all Invariant Variables are used for computing the Mass matrix.