

Figure 1  Laser Sensor property page


     Sensor Marker: Defines a sensor marker. The sensor marker’s position and the Z direction is used as the starting point and the direction of laser.

     Sensor Range: Defines the maximum range of laser. If the target geometry is met over the range, the result is neglected.

     Target Geometry: Defines the target of laser. When laser meets the target at first, the length from the laser to meeting position is returned as a result.

    Gr: choose a different Target Geometry.


Figure 2  Target Surface dialog box


Plane Tolerance Factor: Specifies the surface tolerance factor as a value from 0 to 10. A smaller value produces a more refined patch. For more information, click here.

Max. Facet Size Factor: Specifies the max.facet size factor as a value from 0 to 10. This value controls the maximum size of triangular patch length. For more information, click here.


    Add: Adds some of the target geometry.

    Delete: Deletes some of the target geometry.


     Color: Defines the color of sensor icon.