

The Sheet Shell property page is shown in Figure 1. And its parameters are explained below. The user can modify properties for the sheet shell such as geometry information, FFlex body characteristics, boundary condition, and output. The general pages such as General, Graphic Property, Origin & Orientation are same with general body.

     FE Info (Refer to FEInfo. in FFlex)

     Connecting Parameter (Refer to Connecting Parameter in FFlex)


Figure 1  Sheet Shell property page [Sheet Shell page]


     Sheet Color: Defines the color of sheet.

     Display Node ID: If this function is checked, the IDs of all nodes belong to the sheet will be displayed.

     Material Property: Accesses the dialog box defining the material property of the Sheet. For more information, click here.

     Thickness: Defines the thickness of the sheet.

     Start Point: Defines the starting point of the sheet.

     Parameter: Defines the sheet as below parameters

     Folding: If “Folding” is selected, the “Point List” button is activated. The folding sheet can be defined.


Figure 2  Point List dialog box for a folding sheet 


    Point List: Contains a curve profile in the two-dimensional space as shown in Figure 2.


     Surface: If "Surface" is selected, the "Surface Info" button is activated.


Figure 3  Surface info dialog box for a 3D curled sheet


    Surface Info: Contains a surface profile in three-dimensional space as shown in Figure 3.

Data and File: The surface can be defined from a text file with a matrix file format or hand-written curve profiles. If the surface is defined from a file, the sheet shape can be used as a design parameter during design study or optimization.

Number of Curves: Shows the number of curve profiles

Import / Export: The specified curve profiles can be imported or exported as a text file.

Other buttons: Uses when curve profiles are modified.


     Direction: Shows the longitudinal and lateral directions

     Total Length: Shows the lengths of the Sheet along two directions.

     Element Length: Shows the lengths of a shell element along two directions.

     Number of Node: Shows the numbers of nodes along two directions. This can be set when creating the sheet.

     Curl Radius: Shows the curve radius of the Sheet along two directions. For more information, click here.

     Number of Inner CP: Defines the additional contact points in one rectangular element along two directions. For more information, click here.

     Initial Longitudinal Velocity: Defines the initial velocity in the longitudinal direction of the Sheet. For more information, click here.

     Air Resistance Coefficient: Because the sheet is very light, the dynamics of the sheet is much influenced by the air. The value of air resistance coefficient is the ratio of the resistance force to the kinetic energy of the air in the sheet. The user can select two types of expression and constant.

    Expression: Show expression list used for air resistance coefficient.

    Constant: Show constant value used for air resistance coefficient


     Update Geometry Information Automatically: If this option is unchecked, the position and orientation of the geometry constituting the group are not updated depending on variables in the property page. So, after executing Extract function, this option is unchecked.