


Figure 1  FSurfaceToFSurface property pge


     Definition of the Base Flexible Surface

    Entity Name: Defines the name of base patch set. The base patch set is dispatched from the screen by clicking Gr.



Figure 2  Preview of the normal directions, contact patches and boundary box


    Normal Direction: The normal direction of base patch set for a contact as shown in Figure 2.

The contact is available in the specified direction.

As selecting the “Up” or “Down”, you can change the contact direction of a base surface.

If this page is activated, the normal direction is automatically shown on the screen.


    Preview Contact Surface: If this option is checked, the patches making the contact surface and its boundary box are highlighted on the screen.

    Contact Surface: Allows you to access the Contact Surface dialog box as shown Figure 3.



Figure 3  Flexible Surface Patch dialog box


Max Penetration: Is the maximum penetration. If the penetration is greater than this value, then the contact force is not generated.

No. of Divided Cubic Cell: The number of cubic cells dividing a contact boundary box. This value is automatically calculated. But if it needs, the value can be modified by the user.

Update Position of Contact Nodes: A flag whether the position of nodes belong to the patch set is updated during a simulation. If your system is the small deformation problem and this option is unchecked, then the solving time can be improved.

Thickness Definition: Thickness of patch is defined in the Original or Specific type. The original type uses thickness of shell property. The specific type uses User-defined thickness.


    Ref. Frame for Contact Surface: The contact force applied on the base body is reported as a force generalized on the defined marker. If the marker is not defined, the default is Ground.Inertia Marker.

    Smooth contact: Is to use the curve surface on base patch set. So, if this option is used, the contact is continuously applied on Flexible surface.


     Definition of the Action Flexible Surface

    Entity Name: Defines the name of the action patch set. The action patch set is dispatched from the screen by clicking Gr.

    Normal Direction: Is the normal direction of action patch set for a contact as shown in Figure 2. For more information, click here.

    Preview Contact Surface: If this option is checked, the patches making the contact surface and its boundary box are highlighted on the screen.

    Contact Surface: Allows you to access the dialog box of Contact Surface as shown Figure 3. For more information, click here.

    Ref. Frame for Contact Surface: The contact force applied on the action body is reported as a force generalized on the defined marker. If the marker is not defined, then the default is Ground.Inertia Marker.

    Use Node Only: Only nodes of the action surface are examined in searching for a contact point. Generally, this option can be very useful for accuracy and solving speed as will be observed in the following case.

If the user does not use this option, the contact is applied as patch shape only.


If the user uses this option, the contact is applied as flexible body shape more correctly.

    Smooth contact: Is to use the curve surface on action patch set. So, if this option is used, the Contact is continuously applied on the Flexible Surface.


     Force Display: You can graphically display the resultant force vector on the view window. For more information, click here.

     Refresh: When the action or base contact patch set is changed, you can refresh the preview of information of specified contact patch set as using this function.