ProcessNet General


Figure 1  ProcessNet(General) group in the Customize tab


This is a new external ProcessNet application in addition to the existing ProcessNet.

To distinguish these two versions, the new ProcessNet is called ProcessNet General and the old one is called ProcessNet VSTA.

Accordingly, the old ProcessNet group has been changed to ProcessNet(VSTA), and a new ProcessNet(General) group has been added.

The ProcessNet(General) group does not contain a PNet button because it uses Visual Studio rather than the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provided by VSTA.

ProcessNet General uses its own DLL files instead of those used for ProcessNet VSTA. It also includes its own run dialog window called ProcessNet Manager, which you can run by clicking Run in the ProcessNet(General) group.

The ProcessNet(General) group includes a Register DLL button that you can click to register DLLs and functions to execute using ProcessNet.  Note that the Register DLL function in the ProcessNet(General) group only allows you to register DLLs created for ProcessNet General.