General Constraints


A General Constraint can constrint the degree of freedom (DOF) of a rigid body by using expression. It can be user-defined joint or motion.


Figure 1  General Constraint icon in the Constraint group of the Subentity tab



     Position level expressions are recommended. Velocity and Acceleration (Force, Contact) level expressions are not supported.

     A General Constratint can use only Rigid Body. DOF of FFlex body and RFlex body can not be constrainted.

     There are no output data (reaction force) in the rplt.

     At least one or more dependent body are required in expression.

    Variable Equation is not dependent body, even though it has many dependent bodies.

    Work Case

      Alpha = DZ(1,2)

      General constraint expression = VARVAL(Alpha) – DZ(3,4)

    Not work Case

      Alpha = DZ(1,2) – DZ(3,4)

      General constraint expression = VARVAL(Alpha)