CAD Files


     ParaSolid File (*.x_t, *.x_b, *.xmt_txt, *.xmt_bin): The user can import a Filename.x_t and a Filename.x_b. These files can be exported as x_t and x_b in the program based in Parasolid kernel. The x_t file has the text file format and the x_b file has the binary file format.

     Step(AP203E1, AP214) File(*.step, *.stp): The user can import a Filename.step or a Filename.stp which is usually generated in CAD programs.

     IGES(5.3) File(*.igs): The user can import a geometry model to an IGES file.


Supported Entities

100 - Circular Arc (Circle)

102 - Composite Curve(only for line or circular arc)

110 - Line

124 - Transformation Matrix

If you do not have an IGES license, RecurDyn provides the limited IGES translator. It supports the only three IGES entities as 100 - Circular Arc (Circle), 102 - Composite Curve(only for line or circular arc), 110 – Line.


     ACIS File(*.sat): The user can import a geometry model to an ACIS file.

     Pro/E File(*.prt, *.prt.*, *.asm, *.asm.*): The user can import a geometry model to an Pro/E file.

     SolidWorks File(*.sldprt, *.sldasm): The user can import a geometry model to an SolidWorks file.

     NX File(*.prt): The user can import a geometry model to an NX file.

     CATIA Part File(*.CATPart): The user can import a CATIA file. It does not import in the Non-ASCII folder name.

     CATIA Product File(*.CATProduct): The user can import a CATIA file. It does not import in the Non-ASCII folder name.


No Support

     File Names with Non-English Characters

    RecurDyn does not support reading or writing CATIA V5 files that are named using non-english characters.

    CATIA V5 is based on ISO 646 standard which do not support 8 bit character code.

     File Names with Non-ASCII Characters

    RecurDyn does not support writing CATIA V5 files that are named using non-ASCII characters

    CATIA V5 is based on the ISO 646 standard, which does not support multi-byte character code.

    The CATIA V5 file name cannot contain non-ASCII characters but the directory name can contain Unicode characters.


     Shell Data File(*.shl): The user can import a Filename.shl which is usually generated in CAD programs.

     Surface Tessellation Language ASCII format(*.stl): The user can import a Filename.stl which is usually generated in the CAD programs.

     OBJ File(*.obj): The user can import a Filename.obj which is usually generated in the CAD programs.

     ADAMS ADM File(*.adm): The user can import a Filename.adm, which is generated in ADAMS.