U Function


U Function block enables user to make a special block to simulate user’s equations in the CoLink model. The equation that user is able to use in U Function block is differential equations and the relational expression of input and output between inputs and outputs.

In order to use U Function block, you should make DLL file with the regular format for U Function and written C or C++ language.

In DLL file, the below functions should be disclosed as "C" __declspec(dllexport) type.


     void simInitializes(CSys *CS)

     void simInitialConditions(CSys *CS)

     void simUpdateParameters(CSys *CS)

     void simJacobians(CSys *CS)

     void simDerivatives(CSys *CS)

     void simOutputs(CSys *CS)

     void simTerminates(CSys *CS)


CoLink solver loads the defined DLL file and calls the above functions in a DLL file made by the user during simulation. CSys is the class and you can get or set information of U Function block where CSys is.