Function List


The following functions should be defined in U Function and the codes are performed a simulation by the CoLink solver.


     void simInitializes(CSys *CS)

     void simInitialConditions(CSys *CS)

     void simUpdateParameters(CSys *C)

     void simJacobians(CSys *CS)

     void simDerivatives(CSys *CS)

     void simOutputs(CSys *CS)

     void simTerminates(CSys *CS)


CSys class

The CSys class is the opened class in the CoLink solver. You can set or get desired values by the member function of CSys.


U Function Operation Flow

The CoLink solver is divided into three big processes – the initialization process, the simulation loop process, and the termination process. The defined functions by the user are called by the each process.







Simulation Loop







(If there are the differential equations, it should certainly exist.)







     Initialization Process

Before the first simulation loop, U Function block is initialized by CoLink solver to call simInitializes and simInitialConditions.


    Works in simInitializes

SetNumInputPort: Defines the number of input port.

SetInputPortSize: Defines the size of each input port.

SetNumOutputPort: Defines the number of output port.

SetNumOutputPortSize: Defines the size of output port.

SetNumDiffStates: Defines the number of differential equations.

SetSampleTime: Defines the sample time.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void simInitializes( CSys *CS )









    Works in simInitialConditions

Define initial conditions of differential states.


GetNumDiffStates: Get the number of differential states.

GetDiffStates: Get the data array of differential sates.

SetJacobianMethod: Define the method to calculate Jacobian of differential states.

SetNumRWork: Define double data array to use in U Function.

SetNumIWork: Define integer data array to use in U Function.

SetPassword: Define a password to lock a DLL file. The user can use this DLL file if the password inputted in U Function block is matched with this password.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)

void simInitialConditions( CSys *CS )


           double* Beta;

           int nDiff;

           nDiff = CS->GetNumDiffStates();  

           Beta = CS->GetDiffStates();

           for( int i=0 ; i<nDiff ; i++ ) {

                     Beta[i] = 0.0;


           CS->SetJacobianMethod(2); // 1:FDM 2:Anlaytical



           CS->WriteToMessageFile("U Function Sample Code.\n");



     Simulation Loop Process

In simulation loop process, simUpdateParameters, simJacobians, simDerivatives, and simOutputs are called by the CoLink solver.


    Works in simUpdateParameters

SetParameter: Changes the input parameters in the U Function block.

SetParameterWithName: Changes the input parameters in the U Function block.

If there are the defined functions, simUpdateParameters is called.

If there are not the defined functions, simUpdateParameters is skipped.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void simUpdateParameters( CSys *CS )


           double simtime;

           simtime = CS->GetSimTime();

           if( simtime > 1.0 ) CS->SetParameter(0,0.2);     



    Works in simJacobians

SetJacobian: Sets the values of Jaconbian matrix

simJacobians is called by the implicit integrator(G-alpha or DDASSL).

If there are not the defined functions, solver calculates the Jacobian matrix using FDM method.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void simJacobians( CSys *CS )


           double Ra,La,Ke,Inertia;

           double *Jac;

           int nDiff;


           Ke = CS->GetParameter(0);

           Ra = CS->GetParameter(2);

           La = CS->GetParameter(3);

           Inertia = CS->GetParameter(4);

           Jac = CS->GetRWorkPtr();

           Jac[0] = -Ra/La;

           Jac[1] = 0.0;

           Jac[2] = -Ke/La;

           Jac[3] = 0.0;

           Jac[4] = 0.0;

           Jac[5] = 1.0;

           Jac[6] = Ke/Inertia;

           Jac[7] = 0.0;

           Jac[8] = 0.0;




    Works in simDerivatives

Define the derivative values of differential states.


GetDiffStates: Get the data point of differential states.

GetDotDiffStates: Get the data point of derivatives of differential states.

If there are the diffential equations in U Function, it should be defined.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void simDerivatives( CSys *CS )


           double Ra,La,Ke,Kt,angle,omega,Ia,Va,E,Te,Tfric,Td;

           double Inertia,Bm,Tf,TL;

           double simtime;       

           int npole;

           double *Uin;

           double *dBeta,*Beta;

           // Parameter

           Ke = CS->GetParameter(0);

           npole = (int) CS->GetParameter(1);

           Ra = CS->GetParameter(2);

           La = CS->GetParameter(3);

           Inertia = CS->GetParameter(4);

           Bm = CS->GetParameter(5);

           Tf = CS->GetParameter(6);

           // Input

           Uin = CS->GetInputPortData(0);

           // Diff eqn.

           Beta = CS->GetDiffStates();

           dBeta = CS->GetDotDiffStates();

           TL = 0.0;

           Va = Uin[0];

           Ia = Beta[0];

           angle = Beta[1];

           omega = Beta[2];

           // Motor eqn.

           E = Ke*omega;

           Kt = Ke;

           Te = Kt*Ia;

           Tfric = (omega>=0?1:-1)*(Bm*fabs(omega)+Tf);

           Td = Te-Tfric;

           // Result

           dBeta[0] = (Va-Ra*Ia-E)/La;

           dBeta[1] = omega;

           dBeta[2] = 1/Inertia*(Td - TL);

           Output_Te = Te;



    Works in simOutputs:

Sets the values of output of U Function block.


GetOutputPortData: Gets the data pointer of output port.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void simOutputs( CSys *CS )


           double *Yout;


           Yout = CS->GetOutputPortData(0);

           Yout[0] = Output_Te;



     Works in Termination Process

The CoLink Solver calls simTerminates when the simulation is quitted. You can use the needed code when the simulation is quitted.


extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void simTerminates( CSys *CS )

