Surface Contact Type of Liner Connector


Figure 1  Liner Connector property page [Surface To Surface Contact]


     Output Reference Frame: The user can choose another desired Reference Marker.

     Contact Output File: If it is checked, the user can get specific output information file such as:

    Bodies’ position


    Contact position

    Normal force

    Friction force


The user can see the output file in your working folder where your model is in. The output file name is ‘Filename_ContactElementName.out’.


Figure 2  Properties of Surface Contact liner connector


Figure 3  Contact Characteristic dialog box [Surface To Surface Contact]


     Please refer to Type of Friction in below.


    Standard Friction

①  Select Friction Coefficient in combo box. 

②  Click More and then enter values to define Coulomb Friction. For more information, click here.


Figure 4  Coulomb Friction dialog box


    Empirical Formula

①  Select Empirical Formula in the combo box.

②  Click More and enter the values to define Empirical Formula Friction. For more information, click here.


Figure 5  Empirical Formula Friction dialog box