

Click the right mouse button on the bushing bearing component to choose Properties of bushing bearing. The user can modify the property of a bushing bearing in following dialog.


Figure 1  Bushing Bearing property page


     Translation and Rotation: Controls the characteristics of bushing bearing.

     Please refer to the Friction types in below.


    Standard Friction

①  Select Friction Coefficient in the combo box.


Figure 2 Coulomb Friction


Journal Radius: shaft radius attached bearing inside.


②  Click More and then enter values to define Coulomb Friction.


Figure 3  Coulomb Friction dialog box


Figure 4  Standard Friction


    Empirical Formula

③  Select Empirical formula in the combo box.


Figure 5  Empirical formula friction


④  Click More and enter the values to define Empirical formula friction.


(a) Axial Type Empirical Formula


(b) Radial Type Empirical Formula

Figure 6  Empirical Formula Friction dialog box


Friction Torque


Figure 7  Parameters for SOMMERFELD number


* Each Lubrication region is decided by the SOMMERFELD number.


Figure 8  Friction Coefficient vs SOMMERFELD number


Friction Force


Figure 9  Parameters for Dimensionless Duty Parameter

* Each Lubrication region is decided by the Dimensionless Duty Parameter.


Figure 10  Friction Coefficient vs Dimensionless Duty parameter