Step to run a Design of Experiments (DOE)


1.  Click the Parameter tab and input the simulation parameters.


Figure 1  Design Study dialog box[Parameter]


2.  Click the Design Study tab and select design variables and performance indexes from the lists that the user defined earlier.

    For more information about the creating the Design Study, refer to Step to create Design Variable.

    For more information about the creating the Performance Index, refer to Step to create Performance Index.


3.  Choose the DOE method and then set the value of Number of Levels and Number of Trials as selected DOE method.


Figure 2  Design Study dialog box for Built-in DOE


Figure 3  Design Study dialog box for Direct Input DOE


     When the Direct Input DOE is selected, the Design Matrix button appeared on the right.

①  Set both Number of Levels and Number of Trials.

②  Click Design Matrix to bring up the dialog box shown in Figure 4. A full-factorial experiment is assumed by defaults for the number of trials and for the contents of Design Matrix.

③  Change these variables to match any experimental approach that the user desire.

Each row in the design matrix corresponds to one trial.

Each value in the row indicates the level of each design variable, considered in the same order that they are shown in the list of design variables.

The variable levels are numbered starting with 0 for the lowest level and increment by one for each level. For example, for three levels the numbering is 0, 1, and 2.

Figure 4  Design Matrix dialog box for Direct Input DOE


4.  Click Simulate.



If the design variables are more than 2, the Design of Experiments is active only.