Step to create a spline


1.  Click the Spline icon and then the Spline List dialog box appears as follows.


Figure 1  Spline List dialog box


     No: Shows the number of spline.

     Name: Shows the name of spline.

     Information: Shows the number of row about the defined data.

     Create: Creates a spline.

     Insert: Inserts a spline at the current cursor row.

     Delete: Deletes a spline at the current cursor row.


2.  Click Create or Insert, and then the Spline dialog box appears.


Figure 2  Spline dialog box


     Add Row: Adds a pair of data

     Insert Row: Inserts a pair of data

     Delete: Deletes a pair of data

     Clear: Deletes all data of all rows.

     Function: Creates a linear line data by inputting Slope and absolute Value. If the user inputs 10, the number of data is 11.


Figure 3  Function dialog box


    Slope: Input value of slope for linear line.

    Absolute Value: if the user inputs 10, x values ​​are between -10 to 10.


     Append Z Value: Append Z data. It is used to create a 3D Spline and Y data (Y1, Y2… Column) is added automatically.

     Delete Z Value: Deletes Z data.

     Draw: Draw the spline data. Refer to Using Spline Viewer dialog.

     Import: Import the spline data.

     Export: Export the spline data.

    Supported formats are the CSV File(*.csv), Text File(*.txt) and the Matrix Data File(*.mat).


3.  Click Add.

4.  Specify Name and the spline data by x and y coordinates in the Spline dialog box.

5.  Click OK.