Solver Output Setting


The user can select information to write an output file by checking each check box.


Figure 1  Output Setting dialog box


     Output: Check the Output option to activate Type Setting.

     Type Setting

    File Name: Defines an output file name. This file is stored as File Name_Bearing ID.txt in the current working directory.

    Output Increment: Defines an output increment greater than 1 in order to reduce the time history data. This value has to be an integer and the range is “1<=Output Increment<=step”. If the user sets to 1, the user can get the data of all steps.

    Eccentricity [mm]: The user can export a magnitude of eccentricity and an angle between the x axis and the eccentricity vector at the front and rear of the EHD Rotational Lubrication. The unit of magnitude is mm and the unit of angle is degree regardless of the RecurDyn unit.


Figure 2  Definition of Eccentricity


Figure 3  Eccentricity data in the output file


    Velocities [mm/s]: The user can export the relative velocity magnitude of journal relative to the bearing shell and angle between the x axis and the velocity vector at the front and rear of EHD Rotational Lubrication. The unit of velocity is mm/s and the unit of angle is degree regardless of the RecurDyn unit. Refer to Definition of Eccentricity figure.


Figure 4  Velocities data in the output file


    Force [N] + Torque [Nmm]: The user can export the force and torque of EHD Rotational Lubrication. The unit of force is N and the unit of torque is Nmm regardless of the RecurDyn unit.


Figure 5  Force & Torque data in the output file


    max. Pressure [bar] + Position: The user can export the maximum pressure and its position on EHD Rotational Lubrication. The unit of pressure is bar and the unit of position is degree & mm regardless of the RecurDyn unit.


Figure 6  Definition of max pressure and position


Figure 7  Max Pressure & Position data in the output file


    min Gap Height [mm] + Position: The user can export the minimum gap height and its position on EHD Rotational Lubrication. The unit of gap height is mm and the unit of position is degree regardless of the RecurDyn unit. Refer to Definition of max pressure and position figure.


Figure 8  Min Gap Height & Position data in the output file


    Sommerfeld number: The user can export the sommerfeld number. For more information, click here.


Figure 9  Sommerfeld number data in the output file