Figure 1  Roll to Roll example


RecurDyn/R2R2D is the 2-Dimensional Roll-To-Roll Toolkit in RecurDyn.

The Roll-To-Roll(R2R) can be used for the manufacturing processing systems which are designed for coatings, printing or performing other processes starting with a roll of a flexible material such as a paper, fabric, plastic, solar cell, battery cell and FPCB, and re-reeling after processing to create an output roll. Especially, RecurDyn/R2R2D toolkit provides the fast solution of the dynamic simulation such like a tension result of flexible workpiece material and contact force results between workpiece and rollers/guides under the 2-dimensional simulation environment. 


The features of the RecurDyn/R2R2D toolkit are as followings:

     Easy and efficient model generation (Support pre-winded model generation and easy assembly)

     The generation of relevant output plots

     Winding/Unwinding simulation

     Web Self-contact on the roll(unwinder) and reel(winder)

     The contact between the workpiece(web) and roller/guide