


Figure 1  Property dialog of GTire Group


     Tire Property File: Sets the tire file by clicking the button and can modify the tire file using it Edit button.

     Tire Radius: Shows the tire radius calculated by tire file.

     Aspect Ratio: Shows the aspect ratio calculated by tire file.

     Tire Width: Shows the tire width calculated by tire file.

     Rim Radius: Shows the rim radius calculated by tire file.

     Edit Geometry: Enters editing mode of tire geometry.

     Reload: Reloads the tire file.

     User Input Param: Opens the User Input Parameter dialog. This button is only available for RD-USER vender type of tire file.


    User Parameter: Input user’s parameter.

    Add: Adds argument list.

    Delete: Deletes argument list.


     Wheel mass: Defines the mass property of the whole tire body.

     Izz: Defines the Izz moment of inertia of tire body. (The z axis is the spin axis of tire)

     Ixx-Iyy: Defines the Ixx moment and Iyy moment of inertia of tire body. (The x axis and y are the radial direction.)


     Longitudinal velocity: Defines the initial translational velocity of the x direction.

     Spin axis angular velocity: Defines the initial rotational velocity of the z axis.


     Origin: Defines the location of the tire body

     Orientation (Z,Y,X): Defines the 3-2-1 Orientation of the tire body


     Road Name: Sets the GRoad by clicking the “R” button. If the GRoad does not exist, the user closes the GTire property dialog normally.

     Tire Side: Selects the left profile or the right profile if the 2D road is the polyline road type. For more information, refer to Polyline road type property.

     Force display: Activates or inactivates the display of the tire force when playing the animation.

     Each Rendering: The selected mode can be displayed in Each Render mode. For more information, click here.