

Figure 1  CCMAV dialog box


     For Measurement of Angular Velocity: Measures the angular velocity of the target body about the reference body.

     Target Mean Angular Velocity [RPM]: Inputs the Target Mean Angular Velocity about RPM.(PV : Wt[rad/s])

     Maximum No. of Cycles: Sets the maximum value of the cycles. If an analysis is passed to the maximum value, the analysis is stopped. (PV : nCycle)

     Coefficient for Initial Angular Velocity: Specifies the setting value of the initial angular velocity (PV : Wt) by multiplying the value of the target angular velocity (PV : Wt) and the coefficient value.

     Coefficient for Counter Torque: Specifies the setting value of the Initial counter torque by multiplying the value of the mean torque coming from pressure of a combustion chamber (PV : Tpm) and the gear ratio(PV :ratio), and the coefficient value. (PV : Tcoeff)

     Variation of Initial Angular Velocity: Specifies the variation of the angular velocity. (PV : DelW)

     Variation of Initial Counter Torque: Specifies the variation of the counter torque. (PV : DelT)

     Criterion for the Mean Angular Velocity: Specifies a criterion about the comparison formula of the mean angular velocity. (PV : Mean_Criterion)

     Criterion for Start & End Angular Velocity: Specifies a criterion about the comparison formula of the start & end angular velocities. (PV : SE_Criterion)

     Gear Ratio: Displays the gear ratio for the drive body when the gear type is Equivalent Drive Train. If the type is the direct type, the value is 1. If the type is the Gear/Belt type, the value is decided by the EDT Driven diameter/EDT Drive diameter. (PV : Ratio)

     Log File Name: Displays the name of output files such as [Log File Name]_[Rdyn File Name].log, [Log File Name]_[Rdyn File Name].msg

     Rotational Range: Specifies the about the range comparison formula of the mean angular velocity and the comparison formula of the start & end angular velocities. (1 rotation = 360degree) The default value defined from 5 to 6 means to define the range of the comparison formula from 1440 degree to 2160 degree.

    CAUTION: If the CCMAV exists, the solver is stopped when passing the rational range. If the analysis is performed after removing the CCMAV in Force of the Database window, the solver is not stopped in spite of passing the rational range.

     Shaft Speed Ratio: Specifies the speed ratio among the valve and the timing chain shaft and crank shaft. It is valid to the assembly of the valve and the timing chain subsystem.