Parametric Value List about CCMAV


Figure 1  Parametric Value List dialog box after creating CCMAV


     Tpm: Displays the mean torque coming from the pressure of a combustion chamber.


     Ws: Displays the initial angular velocity[rad/s] of the crank shaft for each cycle.(Wt*Vcoeff).

Figure 2  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about ShaftMain


     Tmean: Displays to reverse the mean torque action upon the crank shaft. (Tpm*Tcoeff*Ratio).


     Wd: Displays the angular velocity[rad/s] of EDT Drive.

Figure 3  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about EDT Drive


     Wd_driven: Displays the angular velocity[rad/s] of EDT Driven.

Figure 4  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about EDT Driven


     Wd_EMI: Displays the angular velocity[rad/s] of EMI.

Figure 5  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about EMI


     Wd_bal: Displays the angular velocity [rad/s] of balancing shaft.

Figure 6  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about Balancing Shaft


     Xi_p_dot: Not used.


     Phi_dot: Displays the angular velocity [rad/s] of connecting rod.

     Ri_cn_dot_x: Displays the velocity vector about the x component of connecting rod.

     Ri_cn_dot_y: Displays the velocity vector about the y component of connecting rod.

Figure 7  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about Connecting Rod


     Ri_ps_dot_x: Displays the velocity vector about the x component of piston.

     Ri_ps_dot_y: Displays the velocity vector about the y component of piston.

Figure 8  Body Initial Velocity dialog box about Piston


     CW_Flag: Displays the clock-wise flag(1: clock-wise)