

Figure 1  Silent Sprocket property page [Geometry Data page]


The Silent Sprocket property page is shown in Figure 1. The parameters are explained below. In order to understand the geometry, refer to Dimension Information.


     Sprocket Wheel Radius(Rw): Enters the wheel radius of sprocket.

     Width of Teeth(Wt): Enters the teeth width of sprocket.

     Width between Wheels(Ww): Enter the wheel width of sprocket.

     Number of Teeth: Enters the number of teeth.

     Dedendum Circle Radius(Rd): Enters the dedendum circle radius of tooth profile.

     Base Circle Radius(Rb): Enters the base circle radius of tooth profile.

     Pitch Circle Radius(Rp): Enters the pitch circle radius of tooth profile.

     Addendum Circle Radius(Ra): Enters the addendum circle radius of tooth profile.


     Chain Link Pin Circle

The user can define easily relation of between sprockets and links using Pin Radius and Loop Radius.

Figure 2  Sprocket Editor dialog box


     Link Assembly Information

The gap between silent chain links and silent sprocket teeth can be controlled by Assembled Radius or Radial Distance.

Figure 3  Silent Sprocket tooth profile


     Full Search: All links are searched for contact.

     Partial Search: Some links are searched for contact in some boundary. It is used to reduce total solving time.

     User Boundary: In the case of Partial Search, the search boundary can be modified.