

The properties dialog box of the PGuide Edge has three tabs.


Figure 1  PEdge Guide property page


     Guide Mother Body: Selects the mother body of PGuide Edge by clicking B.

     Radius: Defines the radius of PGuide Edge.

     Center Point: Defines the center point of PGuide Edge.

     Contact Parameter: Allows the user to modify contact parameters by clicking To Sheet. In this dialog box, the user can modify the contact parameters of contact forces applied between the sheet and the guide. Refer to the Contact Formulus for MTT2D.

Figure 2  Contact Parameter dialog box


     No. of Max Contact Points: Defines the number of max contact point for output. User can define this value from 1 to 5000. This value only affects Force Display and RPLT data about the contact points. The default value is 10.

     Force Display: Graphically displays the all contact force vectors (the sum of the normal and tangential contact force) at each contact point up to the “No. of Max Contact Point”.