

The properties dialog box of the Guide Body Group has two tabs.


Figure 1  Guide Body property page


     Radius: Defines the radius of guide body.

     Start Point: Defines the start point of guide body.

     Second Point: Defines the end point of guide body.

     Mass: Defines the mass of guide body.

     Inertia Moment (Izz): Defines the mass Moment of Inertia with respect to the z-axis of the center marker.

     Center Point: Is the position of the center of the mass marker.

     Joint Point: Defines the position of revolute joint.

     TSD Option: If the user checks this option, the user can be active Translational Spring Damper (TSD) force. The user can modify TSD properties by clicking TSD.

Figure 2  TSD Parameter dialog box


    Action Point: Defines the position of action marker of TSD force applied on the action body.

    Base Body: Defines the name of base body

    Base Point: Defines the position of base marker of the TSD force applied on the base body.

    Stiffness (K): Defines the stiffness coefficient of the TSD.

    Damping(C): Defines the damping coefficient of the TSD.

    PreLoad (F): Defines the pre-Load applied to the TSD.

    Stopper Distance, Stopper Factor: Refer to Guide Group.


     Each Rendering: The selected mode can be displayed in Each Render mode. For more information, click here.