Modeling Options


A ball bearing is defined between two bodies. When the user does modeling the ball bearing model, RecurDyn/Bearing should comply with the following rules:

     The journal or shaft part (Inner body) is set as a base body of ball bearing.

     The bearing part (Outer body) is set as an action body of ball bearing.


Figure 1  Base and action body of Ball Bearing


Figure 2  Ball Bearing Group icon of the Bearing group in the Toolkit tab


The user can create a bearing as follows.


     Point, WithDialog

    Point: Selects points on two bodies to define the location of the bearing.

    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the bearing with a dialog. The bearing is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.


     Point, Direction, WithDialog

    Point: Selects points on two bodies to define the location of the bearing.

    Direction: Defines the direction for rotation of the bearing.

    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the bearing with a dialog. The bearing is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.


     Body, Body, Point, WithDialog

    Body: Selects a base body as a shaft or journal.

    Body: Selects an action body as an outer body.

    Point: Selects points on two bodies to define the location of the bearing.

    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the bearing with a dialog. The bearing is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.


     Body, Body, Point, Direction, WithDialog

    Body: Selects a base body as a shaft or journal.

    Body: Selects an action body as an outer body.

    Point: Selects points on two bodies to define the location of the bearing.

    Direction: Defines the direction for rotation of the bearing.

    WithDialog: Modifies the property for the bearing with a dialog. The bearing is created with clicking OK. For more information, click here.