MFTire Property File


The property file of the MFTire is same to the property file of the existing MFTire. The user should add the VENDER_TIRE_TYPE parameter and if the user uses the TNO Tire, the user can set various options by the USE_MODE parameter as follows. The next lines are only used by RECURDYN, ADAMS and ignored by other MBS codes.


Option Number

Option Description


Fz only, no Magic Formula evaluation


Fx,My only


Fy,Mx,Mz only


Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz uncombined force/moment calculation


Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation


Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation + turnslip


steady state behavior


including relaxation behavior


including relaxation behavior (nonlinear)


including rigid ring dynamics


smooth road contact


smooth road contact (circular cross section, motorcycles)


moving road (default for RecurDyn GRoad)


road contact for 2D roads (using travelled distance)


road contact for 3D roads


     USE_MODE = 334 implies

    combined slip

    rigid ring dynamics

    moving road

     Users want to use 2D road than USE_MODE set to 14 or 4 as below.

    USE_MODE = 14


In case of the tire model provided by TNO, the value of VENDER_TIRE_TYPE should be TNO-MF or TNO-SWIFT. If the user uses SWIFT, the user should type VENDER_TIRE_TYPE to TNO-SWIFT and the user must use the independent license provided by TNO. If the user uses MFTire, the user should type VENDER_TIRE_TYPE to TNO-MF and the user does not need to use the independent license provided by TNO. But, in case of MFTire, the user cannot perform an analysis by the Rigid Ring Dynamic (USE_MODE = x3x) setting.


Sample Files: <Install Dir>\Toolkits\GTire\TNO_MF_SWIFT\tire_files\

Text Box: [HEADER]
FILE_TYPE                ='tir'
LENGTH                   ='meter'
FORCE                    ='newton'
ANGLE                    ='radians'
MASS                     ='kg'
TIME                     ='second'
LONGVL                   = 16.7              $Nominal speed         
VXLOW                    = 1                 $Lower boundary of slip calculation      
ROAD_INCREMENT           = 0.01              $Increment in road sampling
ROAD_DIRECTION           = 1                 $Direction of travelled distance 
USE_MODE                 = 314
UNLOADED_RADIUS          = 0.3135            $Free tyre radius         
WIDTH                    = 0.205             $Nominal section width of the tyre         
RIM_RADIUS               = 0.1905            $Nominal rim radius
RIM_WIDTH                = 0.152             $Rim width         
ASPECT_RATIO             = 0.6               $Nominal aspect ratio
$-------------------------------------------------operating conditions
INFLPRES                 = 220000            $Tyre inflation pressure
NOMPRES                  = 220000            $Nominal tyre inflation pressure


For more information of the MFTire or the SWIFT Tire, refer to MFTire Model.