Interface Dialog


In RecurDyn/RFlex Interface dialog box, select I-DEAS.


Figure 1  I-DEAS Interface dialog box



    Universal file (*.unv): Contains information on the global mass matrices, natural frequencies and mode shapes. This Universal file (*.unv) is generated by running program files, ‘RecurDyn_cms.prg’


     Units: Changes those units that used in the FE program. This option is used in the current model.

     Output File Name

    RecurDyn/Flex Input File Name: Defines a generated file name with the extension RFI.


     Installation program files

①  Copy two program files to arbitrary folder and open ‘<Install Dir>\Toolkits\Flexible input files\IDEAS\RecurDyn_cms.prg’ file.

②  Modify the path for the second prg file, ‘<Install Dir>\Toolkits\Flexible input files\IDEAS\ID2RecurDyn_SM_cms.prg’. This path is the place in which the second prg file exists.


Figure 2  Prg Path in RecurDyn_cms.prg


③  Modify the path where a Universal file will be generated. You have to use the same path between two prg files.

Figure 3  Working Path in RecurDyn_cms.prg


Figure 4  Working Path in ID2RecurDyn_SM _cms.prg