Initial Condition Page


Figure 1  Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog box [Initial Condition]


     Create Initial Condition File(*.icf)

    Create on End Time(*.icf): If you check this option, RecurDyn makes a *.icf file as the specified name at the end time of the simulation.

    Create on Report Step: If you check this option, you can select the two options.

If you select “ALL” option, RecurDyn makes “[Animation Frame]_[Report Time].icf” file in the “_ICF_[RMD Name]” folder at the every reporting time of the simulation. (CAUTION: This option causes the simulation time to be slow.)

If you select “Most Recent” option, RecurDyn makes “[model name]_REPORTSTEP.icf” file and updates this file at the every reporting time of the simulation.

    Create on Solving Step: If you check this option, RecurDyn makes “[model name]_SOLVINGSTEP.icf” file and updates this file at the every solving time of the simulation.


     Use Initial Condition File(*.icf)

    Initial Condition File(*.icf): If you check this option, RecurDyn imports the *.icf file at the beginning of the simulation process.

    Set Expression Time Offset Automatically: If you check this option, RecurDyn automatically adds the Time Offset to the saved simulation time in the icf file.