
Figure 1  G-Manager example


RecurDyn/G-Manager make it possible to change body type easily among body types. (e.g. Rigid, FFlex, RFlex) To change the type of a certain body, first selects a body and selects options in G-Manager dialog box like as the converting type, various options (file path, reference frame, swap option) and assist modeling options.

There are some existing functions in RecurDyn related to G-Manager such as Mesher, Assist modeling, RFlexGen, FFlex Swap, and RFlex Swap.

G-Manager supports more efficient, easier function than the existing.

Basically, G-Modeling are composed of G-Body and G-Manager. G-Body can be used for changing body type without graphical change, whereas body type is changed with graphical change by using G-Manager.

In addition, G-Manager supports a function which maintains geo contact, undo function unlike related existing functions.