FRF tab


All signal entities (Actuator, Sensor and, Target) should be already set to simulate FRF.


Figure 1  FRF dialog box [FRF tab]


     Sampling Frequency (Hz): User cannot change this value. This value is the Sampling Frequency (Hz) of loaded “*.TARGET” data.

     Actuator Signal Generation for Computing FRF: The Actuator signals (called drive signals) for computing FRF is using a Chirp signal (A sweep function) using following two parameters.

    Start Frequency (Hz): Default value is 0.01 Hz.

    End Frequency (Hz): Default value is 100.0 Hz.


Figure 2  Chirp signals


     Advanced Option: Currently user can change to magnitude data of each Actuator channels. Default magnitude is set to 1.0.


Figure 3  Advanced Option dialog box


     FRF File (*.FRF): Defines a file name and path by clicking .

     Analysis Setting: Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog is opened. Because, currently TSG is only supported dynamic/kinematic analysis. The End Time and Step should be match on TSG setting.

    End Time data on the Dynamic/Kinematic Anlaysis dialog should be the same with the End Time of “*.TARGET” data.

    Step data on the Dynamic/Kinematic Anlaysis dialog should be set with (End_Time * Sampling_Frequency).


Figure 4  Dynamic/Kinematic Analysis dialog


     Simulate: Computes FRF and generate “*.FRF” file.