Flex Pressure Loads


Flex Pressure Loads generates a pressure on FFlex bodies.


The patch set:

     Should be defined before creating Flex Pressure Loads.

     Must belong to a FFlex body.


Figure 1  Pressure icon of the FFlex group in the Flexible tab


Figure 2  Flex Pressure Loads dialog box


     Patch Set: Defines a patch set.

     Report Nodes: Defines the report nodes. The reaction force for each node can be reported in RPLT as many as the user define. If the check box is unchecked, there is no node data in RPLT.

     Base Body Name (Rigid Only): The user can select a base body. The base body means that a body is acted reaction force of Flex Pressure Loads and must be a rigid. The default is Ground.

     Pressure Direction: Selects the pressure direction as Up or Down.

     Preview Pressure Direction: Previews the defined preview direction.


    Pressure: Defines an expression by clicking EL.