Flat Belt


The continuous belt system is modeled by belt segments and matrix force elements.

A matrix force (6x6 stiffness and damping matrix) is used to connect two segments of the belt system. You must create the one-reference belt segment from all belt segments (All belt segments are copied or cloned.)


     Once the belt segment is created, it is registered as the clone body.

     The inertial properties of assembled belt segments are automatically duplicated to be the same as values of the clone body.

     The belt properties should be defined carefully prior to assembling the belt system.


The matrix force connecting two belt segments is automatically created when the belt system is assembled.


Geometric Flat Belt

The geometric information provided by user is used for both the display and the contact force computation in the solver. The flat belt enables the contact between the flat and planer faces for the top and bottom of belt to the other entities of belt assembly. The contact normal force is used to compute the friction among the belt and the pulleys.


(a) Geometric entity




Belt Height


Belt Width


Belt Segment Length


Cord distance

(b) Dimension information

Figure 1  Flat Belt