External SPI


Figure 1  External SPI example


RecurDyn is designed with the ability to co-simulate with particle solvers. Particle solvers are dynamics simulation software that simulates the motion of granular solid particles or fluids using a particle-based method. RecurDyn’s capability to co-simulate with particle solvers allows for simulations that have a system of rigid and flexible bodies that interact with systems of granular particles and/or fluids. RecurDyn simulates the system of rigid and flexible bodies together with any other RecurDyn components. The particle solvers simulate the granular particles or fluids. RecurDyn can simultaneously co-simulate with multiple particle solvers in a single RecurDyn model.


Co-simulation between a RecurDyn and particle solvers expands RecurDyn’s capabilities to perform multi-physics simulations. For example, using co-simulation with particle solvers, engine lubrication models, excavator-soil interaction models, and fluid-filled washing machine models can be accurately analyzed. The coupled interaction of the combined MFBD-particle model can be analyzed. The effect of the particles on the MFBD system and the effect of the MFBD system on the particles can be analyzed in great detail.