Example for Weibull and Extreme Value Distributions


Consider the following example in which  is linear in the two basic variables  and.


In which here  is Weibull distribution and  is the maximum distribution of extreme value. Their mean and standard deviation values are (20,10) and (3,3), respectively.


Sol: Figure 1 shows the result of Monte Carlo simulation with 1000 latin hypercube samples. The probability of failure is estimated as 0.021. As you can see, the distribution of sample points is quite different from those shown in the figure.


Figure 1  Monte Carlo simulation for Weibull and EVD-I max distributions


Next, let’s compare the sample point distributions by changing the statistical distribution. Suppose that  is normal distribution for the above problem. For fair comparisons, the same random points between 0 and 1 are used. Figure 2 shows the real sample points. If we cut the distribution at , the sample points are nearly symmetric distributions along  axis. The vertical axis is . As the statistical distribution is changed, the probability of failure is changed as 0.011.


Figure 2  Monte Carlo simulation for Weibull and Normal distributions



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