Cutting Plane


Figure 1  Cutting Plane icons of the Render Toolbar


Cutting Plane displays the cross section of a modeling body or an imported body. RecurDyn provides the handler that can cut the desired cross section. So, the user can use this function easily.

The user can see the hidden inside of body by Cutting Plane as a following figure.


Figure 2  Useful Cutting Plane


Figure 3  Cutting Plane Handler


Coordinate of Cutting Plane

The coordinate of Cutting Plane is decided by two vectors.

     Vector 1: Defines as the first point and the second point.

     Vector 2: Defines as a normal direction of Working Plane.


Figure 4  Define the coordinate of Cutting Plane


The size of Cutting Plane is infinite to all directions except the normal direction of Cutting Plane.


Figure 5  Size of Cutting Plane


CM of Cutting Plane

CM of Cutting Plane does not exist separately, but Cutting Plane Handler itself is a center marker of Cutting Plane.


Figure 6  Cutting Plane Handler and CM


     +X: +Nomal direction of Working Plane

     +Y: Direction as second point from first point of Cutting Plane Modeling Option (“Point, Point, WithDialog”)

     +Z: Right hand rule


Using Cutting Plane Handler

The user can modify the cross section by controlling Cutting Plane Handler.


Figure 7  Definition of Cutting Plane Handler



    XY Plane: To click and drag the XY-plane move Handle can move the cross section in the XY Plane of Cutting Plane Handler.

Figure 8  Move in the XY plane


    Z-axis: To click and drag the Z-direction Translation Handle can translate the cross section along the Z axis of Cutting Plane Handler.


Figure 9  Translate along the Z axis



    X-axis: To click and drag the X-axis Rotation Handle can rotate the cross section by the X axis of Cutting Plane Handler.

Figure 10  X-axis Rotation of Handler


    Y-axis: To click and drag the Y-axis Rotation Handle can rotate the cross section by the Y axis of Cutting Plane Handler.

Figure 11  Y-axis Rotation of Handler


    Z-axis: To click and drag the Z-axis Rotation Handle can rotate cross section by the Z axis of Cutting Plane Handler.

Figure 12  Z-axis rotation of Handler


Using Cutting Plane Handler Dialog

Figure 13  Cutting Plane Handler dialog box


     Origin: Defines the Origin of Cutting Plane.

     Normal: Defines the Normal Vector of Cutting Plane.

     Color: Selects color of Cutting Plane icon displayed on Working Window.

     Update: If Origin and Normal are input directly in this dialog, Update button should be clicked to apply these values for the created Cutting Plane.

     Translation: If this option is selected, the created Cutting Plane is translated along the axis of the Cutting Plane CM. The user must indicate the amount of translation in the Offset Value input box. To move the entity, use Control Button.

     Rotation: If this option is selected, the created Cutting Plane is rotated by the axis of the Cutting Plane CM. The user must indicate the amount of rotation in the Offset Value input box. To rotate the entity, use Control Button. This unit is degree.


     Reset Cutting Plane: Resets Cutting Plane to the original origin and orientation.

     Flip Plane: If the user clicks Flip Plane, the cross section is inverted.


Figure 14  Flip Plane Inverted


     Cross Section Line

    Color (Check Box): If it is checked, specified color is applied to the cross-section line. If it is not, normal drawing color is applied to the cross-section line.

    Color (Color Picker): Specify a color.


     Range Option

    All: If it is checked, all bodies are applied by cutting plane regardless of bodies setting.

    Depends on Body Setting: If it is checked, only bodies turned on Apply Cutting Plane option on Body property page or pop-up menu are applied by cutting plane.


Figure 15  Apply Cutting Plane Option in Pop-up Menu


     Cutting Plane On

    If this option is checked, the user can see the applied cross section of Cutting Plane.

    If this option is unchecked, go back to the original shape.


Figure 16  Cutting Plane OFF