Common Modeling Options


The user can create a gear geometry by the following procedure.


     Point, WithDialog


    Point: Selects the gear center point.

    Dialog: Displays the gear properties. For more information, refer to Geometric Entities.


     Point, Direction, WithDialog


    Point: Selects the gear center point.

    Direction: Selects the center marker of gear body to Z axis based on the inertia reference frame. It becomes the rotation axis of gear body.

    WithDialog: Displays the gear properties. For more information, refer to Geometric Entities.


     Group or Body, Direction, WithDialog


    Group or Body: Selects the creating gear and the assembling base gear.

    Direction: Selects the assembling direction to the base gear.

    Dialog: Displays the gear properties. For more information, refer to Geometric Entities.


     Group or Body, Direction, Clearance, WithDialog


    Group or Body: Selects the creating gear and the assembling base gear.

    Direction: Selects the assembling direction to the base gear.

    Clearance: Adjusts the assembly offset when two gears are assembled.

    WithDialog: Displays the gear properties. For more information, refer to Geometric Entities.