Beam Belt


Beam Belt is constructed with beam elements. The beam elements are the same FFlex/Beam2 element. All nodes of Beam2 have 6 DOFs.

The beam belt does not have a special shape, but it can use a virtual shape for the contact an all functionalities of FFlex.


Because the functionalities of FFlex, we recommend you to use the Beam Belt.


Coordinate System

Figure 1  Coordinate system of Beam Belt


The beam belt has nodes and belt lines.


     The belt line connects nodes with the graphic line.

     The center marker of node is located at the point of node and its orientation is dependent on the direction used when the beam belt is created as shown in Figure 1.

     If you apply the plus values in the initial velocity of beam belt, the beam belt moves into the plus direction of the x-axis of the center marker of each node. 


Mass and Moments of Area

(a) Flat Shape         (b) V Shape        (c) Round Shape     (d) Timing Shape

Figure 2  Nodal Masses and Moments of Inertia


     Moments of Inertia


    Flat Shape


    Round Shape



Ixx, Iyy and Izz are the area moment of beam belt

W is the width of belt

R is the radius of belt

T is the thickness of belt.


Contact Geometry of Beam Belts

Figure 3  Contact geometry of Beam Belts


According to the shape, the beam belt automatically creates the contact geometry.