

RecurDyn/Plot provides page function for user convenience.


Figure 1  Windows group in the Home tab



The user can add or remove the Plot Database. To add or remove these, the user clicks or unclicks the following icons.



Figure 2  Window icon of the Windows group in the Home tab


RecurDyn/Plot provides 4 Plot Windows for each plot document. The user can show/hide the views by menu.


Figure 3  4 Plot Windows



     Add: The user can add a new page. Once a new page is added, a tab of the page is also added below the view. In addition, the user can click the tab and move to other pages.

     Delete: The user can delete an active page. If the number of pages is 1, the Delete function cannot be applied.

     Rename: The user can change a name of active page. The name of page will be changed.