

A co-simulation between RecurDyn and a particle solver requires that walls are created. There must be at least one wall for each particle solver included in a co-simulation. If no walls are created for a particular particle solver in a RecurDyn model, then RecurDyn will not attempt to co-simulate with that particle solver. A wall is created from one or more geometry of a RecurDyn body. In the particle solver, these geometries will become a wall. Particles in the particle solver make contact with the wall. Particles apply either contact forces or pressure forces to walls when they are in contact. The particle forces acting on the wall are returned from the particle solver to RecurDyn. RecurDyn applies the forces to the RecurDyn body that the wall is attached to.


Figure 1  Wall example


Figure 2  Walls icon of Particle Solver group in the Embedded SPI tab