UATire Property File


The existing UATire of RecurDyn does not need the tire property file. But the GTire needs the tire property file and the property file of the UATire for the GTire entity is as follows.


Sample Files: <Install Dir>\Toolkits\GTire\RECURDYN_UA\tire_files\

Text Box: [HEDER]
FILE_TYPE                             = 'tir'
LENGTH                                = 'mm'
FORCE                                 = 'newton'
ANGLE                                 = 'radians'
MASS                                  = 'kg'
TIME                                  = 'second'
VENDER_TIRE_TYPE              = 'RD-UA'
$-Tire Dimension 205-60-R14
UNLOADED_RADIUS                       = 300.8
WIDTH                                 = 205.0
RIM_RADIUS                            = 177.8
RADIAL_STIFFNESS                      = 176.4
RADIAL_DAMPING_RATIO                  = 0.01
LONGITUDINAL_STIFFNESS                = 30000
LATERAL_STIFFNESS                     = 73600
CAMBER_STIFFNESS                      = 8094
ROLLING_RESISTANCE                    = 1
FRICTION_MAX                          = 1.0
FRICTION_MIN                          = 0.8


Parameter definition

     UNLOADED_RADIUS: Tire unloaded radius (R1)

     WIDTH: Tire width for creating the geometry

     RIM_RADIUS: Rim radius for creating the geometry.

     RADIAL_STIFFNESS: Radial stiffness ()

     RADIAL_DAMPING_RATIO: Radial damping ratio ()

     LONGITUDINAL_STIFFNESS: Longitudinal stiffness () by the slip ratio

     LATERAL_STIFFNESS: Lateral stiffness () by the slip angle

     CAMBER_STIFFNESS: Lateral stiffness () by the camber angle

     ROLLING_RESISTANCE:  Rolling resistance moment coefficient ()

     FRICTION_MAX: Maximum friction coefficient ()

     FRICTION_MIN: Minimum friction coefficient ()


For more expressions of the UATire, refer to UATire Model.